Weather in Jonesborough Tennessee

Weather in Jonesborough Tennessee

Jonesborough, Tennessee, experiences a varied climate throughout the year. The weather in Jonesborough Tennessee includes a range of temperatures and different patterns of precipitation.

In terms of temperatures, the hottest month in Jonesborough is July, during which the average high is 83.3ยฐF (28.5ยฐC) and the average low is 61ยฐF (16.1ยฐC). Winters are relatively mild, with temperatures dropping lower but staying moderate compared to many other regions.

Precipitation in Jonesborough is significant, with certain months being wetter than others. A wet day is defined as having at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. The wetter season in Jonesborough lasts for approximately 4 months, from April 26 to August 26, with the highest probability of wet days occurring in July. July sees an average of 14.1 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation.

Throughout the year, Jonesborough experiences passing clouds and a mix of sunny and cloudy days. The current climate data is always recorded at the Tri-City Regional Airport.

In summary, Jonesborough’s climate includes moderately hot summers, mild winters, and significant precipitation during the wetter months from late spring to late summer.

Jonesborough, Tennessee is approximately 61 miles north up US-26 from Asheville, North Carolina.