Newquay Webcams | England’s Surf Capital

Live Newquay Webcams

Watch live HD webcams all around the town of Newquay in Cornwall. Newquay has attracted tourists from around the world for over 100 years in large part due to its coastline and nine long and accessible sandy beaches, including Fistral and Watergate Bay Beach. Newquay is the surf capital of England. With a captivating coastline, exciting water sports, wildlife, and thrilling family attractions, Newquay is a treasure trove for tourists. High Tide is the best time to go. The beach is protected from most swells so it’s normally pretty calm waters. The waves from the Atlantic Ocean create strong surf. On the seafront, the Blue Reef Aquarium features an underwater tunnel going through a coral-reef tank with pufferfish, sharks and rays. Off the coast more inland is the Newquay Zoo which houses lions, wildebeest and sloths.

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