Nederland, Colorado Live Webcam

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Live Webcam View Nederland, Colorado

Watch this HD panning live streaming webcam of the beautiful mountain town Nederland, Colorado made possible by Busey Brews Smokehouse & Brewery. Nederland is one of the smaller towns in the state, but has a very unique history. The town began as a trading post between Ute Indians and European settlers during the 1850s, before ultimately becoming a mining town. Nederland is known for sports, music, and its absolutely breathtaking vistas.

Weather in Nederland

Keep an eye on the current weather conditions in Nederland. Take a look at the 7-day forecast above, which includes precipitation and the temperature highs and lows. View the weather radar with interactive map, allowing you to zoom and pan to get unmatched weather details. This town gets a lot of snow yearly.

Hotels in Nederland

If you are visiting Nederland, Colorado while on vacation, you will need to find the appropriate hotels to accommodate your stay. The hotels in the area are The Boulder Creek Lodge, Sundance Lodge, Arapaho Ranch Cabins, and The Nederhaus Motel.

Restaurants in Nederland

The restaurants in Nederland are Crosscut Pizzeria & Taphouse, New Moon Bakery and Cafe, Kathmandu Restaurant Nederland, The Train Cars Coffee and Yogurt, Busey Brews, Salto Coffee Works, Ned’s, The Deli at 8236, Backcountry Pizza, Thai Restaurant, The Train Cars Coffee and Yogurt, Blue Owl Books, Knotted Root Brewing, Tres Gringos Cantina, Dot’s Diner on the Mountain, B & F Mountain Market, The Dynamite Shack.

Things to do in Nederland

A few things to do and sites to see include: Carousel of Happiness, Caribou Ranch Open Space, Eldora Mountain Resort, Nederland Mining Museum, Hessie Trailhead, Hessie Trailhead and much more!

Live in Colorado

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