Webcam Folgaria | Trentino, Italy


Live Webcam Folgaria

Watch this live HD webcam from the commune of Folgaria located in the province of Trentino within the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region of Italy. Folgaria is a renowned tourist destination in Trentino, frequented both in summer for the presence of numerous routes between alpine lakes and mountain pastures, but especially in winter thanks to a ski area of over 100 km. This live webcam is aimed at Mount Finonchio 1608 m.s.l.m.,the displayed town is a small fraction of Folgaria (TN) called “Guardia” at 980 meters above sea level.

Keep an eye on the current weather conditions. Take a look at the 7-day forecast above, which includes precipitation and the temperature highs and lows. Below is the weather radar with interactive map, allowing you to zoom and pan to get unmatched weather details

Main Attractions: Sentiero Forra del Lupo, Base Tuono, Lago Coe, Monte Cornetto, Guardia di Folgaria, Sentiero dell’Acqua, Monte Maggio, Forte Cherle–San Sebastiano, Biotopo di Echen, Cascata dell’Hofentol, Centro Equestre Il Salice, Forra del Lupo, Maso Guez, Giardino Botanico di Passo Coe – Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto, Il Mulino Cuel a Folgaria, Forte Dosso Del Sommo, Impianti Di Risalita, Scuola Italiana Sci Folgaria, Scie di Passione, Skiarea Folgaria Fiorentini

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