Live HD Cam Al Johnson’s Goat
The Goat Cam is mounted on a rooftop peak of Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant. They are pointed in slightly different directions. As a result, you can see 95% of the sod roof’s surface.

The goats are visible on the roof unless it’s night-time. The goats are brought down each evening to the peaceful barn on the outskirts of Sister Bay. They spend the warmer months on the roof but are not out there in the winter. They usually go onto the restaurant’s sod roof at the start of each tourism season, in late May, continuing through mid-October. According to a writer in Door County by the name of Norbert Blei, the goats arrival are a thing of legend & how Al Johnson’s goat cam was born. “Wink Larson was a man who understood tradition. Every year, in celebration of Al Johnson’s birthday, he would bring Al a gift. Not an ordinary gift, of course. But something memorable. One year it was a burro; another year a sheep; once a baby pig; and the single gift which would change Al’s life, a goat named Oscar.