Webcam Salamanca | Plaza Mayor Square


Plaza Mayor Square Live Webcam Stream, Salamanca

Take a look at Plaza Mayor Square webcam located in Salamanca, Spain. Also, Plaza Mayor combines medieval architecture with a lively modern atmosphere. One of the most beautiful squares in Spain. It was built in Baroque style according to the plans of Alberto Churriguera. On the north side is the City Hall, a Baroque building that has five granite arches and a steeple decorated with allegoric figures. Salamanca is home to some of the best restaurants (restaurantes) and hotels (hoteles) in all of Spain.

Things to Do: Plaza Mayor, Ciudad Vieja de Salamanca, Old Cathedral (Catedral Vieja), New Cathedral (Catedral Nueva), Museum of Art Nouveau and Art Deco Casa Lis, Ieronimus, St. Stephen’s Convent (Convento de San Esteban), Universidad de Salamanca, Casa de las Conchas, Puente Romano.

Weather in Salamanca(El Tiempo en Salamanca)

Keep an eye on the current weather conditions (tiempo) in Salamanca. Furthermore, take a look at the 7-day forecast above, which includes precipitation and the temperature highs and lows. Also, Below is the weather radar with interactive map, allowing you to zoom and pan to get unmatched weather details! Check out the weather for today and tomorrow.